Learning Trends 2025: A Tale of Two Futures: The Path of the L&D Organization

Learning and development teams stand at a critical crossroads. No longer confined to support roles, they must become strategic drivers of organizational success. This transformation requires a fundamental reimagining of learning delivery—rethinking how we build critical skills, develop leaders, and demonstrate organizational value in the age of artificial intelligence.

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Learning Trends for 2025

Discover how learning leaders can successfully adapt to challenges by understanding how new technology impacts the work, the worker, and the workplace.

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Steering the AI Revolution: The Future of Human+AI Leadership

Learn about employees’ perceptions of AI and how leaders can effectively implement AI strategies to prepare their teams for the future.

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Transforming Learning and Development with AI-Enabled Enterprise Skilling 

Discover how AI and skill ontologies can transform workforce development by aligning skills with real- world work to drive measurable results.

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5 Change Management Trends for 2025 

Explore five trends that shape change management, drive agility, create empathy, and promote a technology-driven approach for today’s workforce.

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Top 12 Industrial Sector Workforce Training Trends for 2025 

Explore 12 trends that industrial organizations can leverage to create opportunities to improve the performance of their technical workforce.

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