Future-Proof Your Operations with Proven Workforce Strategies for 2025

In our last newsletter, we shared tips on optimizing your training program. This edition includes best practices for addressing common issues across the industrial sector. From closing the technical skills gap to maximizing equipment uptime, we’re sharing actionable insights to help you keep things moving in the right direction for the coming year.

If you'd like to suggest a topic for us to explore in future issues of Technical Training Matters, or you have questions about our solutions, let us know.

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Your 4-Step Guide to Closing the Industrial Skills Gap in 2025 

Addressing a technical skills gap involves planning, implementation, measurement, and sustainment. Here are proven steps to help you strengthen your workforce.

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How to Reduce Equipment Downtime Through Maintenance Training 

Here’s a quick-start guide to launching a maintenance performance improvement program to maximize equipment uptime, along with best-practice tips for success.

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What L&D Pros Need to Know about Technical Documentation 

A GP Strategies technical writer discusses incorporating technical documentation into training programs and optimizing collaboration with technical SMEs and frontline workers. 

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Industrial Talent Solutions: Resolving Skill Gaps in Your Technical Workforce 

Whether there’s a facility to staff up, a surge in demand, or a specialized role to fill, you have options. Here are insights on working with a partner to find the right people.

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